As I stepped up to the baggage claim to find my hot-pink suitcase and saw the chipper “Welcome” sign along with an announcement of the 109 degree day waiting for me outside I thought, “Yikes, that’s a boiling hot ‘Hello!’ from Phoenix, Arizona!” For the last three years I’ve attended the annual National Speakers Association…

I’ve thought about doing a podcast for quite awhile, but have been struggling with where to put my focus (and on how best to incorporate it into my already jam packed scheduled.) So when I saw Podcast Movement, a 2 day conference dedicated to the art and passion of podcasting, I figured that would be…

Last week I went to a half-day conference put on by the Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau and Gap Inc. along with a number of other sponsors to discuss the on-going battle to close the wage gap. April 12, 2016 was Equal Pay Day – a date that symbolizes how far into the year women…

I’ve been rocking the conference circuit these days, and last Wednesday I attended one I haven’t been to before. The Women In Tech Festival held in Silicon Valley is focused on, you guessed it, Women in Tech. I had to arrive a bit late so unfortunately I missed the first two panels (which looked really…

This was the second year I attended both the Hooked Workshop and Habit Summit. Since I learned so much last year I decided to go back and I’m glad I did, Nir Eyal does a really great job of keeping things fresh. The book these events are based on “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products”…

It’s always good to go into an event like SXSW with a plan, otherwise you might get swallowed up in sheer potential of all the possibilities. As this year I wasn’t doing a full presentation, I decided to focus on networking. There are tens of thousands of people that attend SXSWinteractive each year, so who…

I attended my first (but not my last) She’s Geeky unconference this weekend, there are so many women focused events in the Bay Area I’ve been trying to make it to more of them. I didn’t used to be a fan of the unconference model, but it’s won me over. The opportunity to host group…

Flying into Austin last week I could only think of one thing… has it been a whole year since SXSW2014? This would be my 3rd time presenting at SXSW Interactive and I have to admit that it was my favorite topic so far. My proposal, which was based on quite a few observations I made…

Earlier this month I went to a tech conference in the Bay Area and found myself watching a stream of men on stage talking about how they had been mentored throughout their journey as well as the opportunities that had presented themselves. This admittedly left me a bit dispirited because looking at them, I couldn’t…

It’s true that the V2V is a much smaller SXSW event than the huge happening in Austin,  but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t pack a punch! With a focus on start-ups, VCs and the entrepreneur experience it has a smaller track of classes and an emphasis on one-on-one mentor-ship. When my workshop was too specific…